Wednesday, June 2, 2010

How this all started

While attending the University of Maine Farmington’s BFA in creative writing program I had the opportunity to intern at the small press poetry journal the Aurorean with editor Cynthia Brackett-Vincent. Following my internship and graduation in May of 2007 Cynthia asked me to stay on as assistant editor for the Aurorean, which I did, in a part-time as-needed basis. This was a good hat to wear for me. I was using my degree. Any one who’s ever earned a BFA will tell you that the opportunities to use it aren’t exactly flowing out of a cornucopia. Would this opportunity lead to bigger and better things? In the meantime I landed a job at a large communications company as an outbound sales rep.
In the summer of 2009 I began to experience a great deal of dissatisfaction with the communications company job. It was paying the bills though so I slogged through it, but by March of 2010 the recession coupled with the misguided and careless maneuvers of the hulking corporate monster I’d been dancing with caused me to give notice that I’d be jumping ship. “Where to?” they asked. “Down there” I pointed. “Into the churning waters of unemployment. I’ve got a better chance down there in that than staying on board here where your deaf captain is sure to drive us into the shoals!” It was a foolish thing I know but I also knew my worth and ability to stay afloat so overboard I went. Passing below was a skiff Captained by Ed-Vincent with First Mate Cynthia Brackett-Vincent. They saw my worth and brought me on board. “Let's build a bigger ship,” they said. “Let's build a better ship,” I said. “Yes let's.”

What we’re really trying to do is build better books. Cynthia who is a poet and writer herself (and still publishes/edits the Aurorean) has the managing editor and all things editorial side down. Eddie is the designer, with a group of freelance graphic designers who have designed over 2,000 book covers since 2003. I bring a writer/editor's eye, a wealth of sales skills, a desire to firmly grasp effective marketing strategies, and a dose of enthusiastic energy to the mix. Together we’ve got the talent and know how to one day publish several of our own titles a year and even tap into the fast growing world of E-book publishing. We’ve got to create a decent revenue stream first. If you are a book publisher or an author seeking to publish, we want to give your book the best chance at getting picked up and viewed. We believe that an eye catching quality cover is the best place to start. Check our website out here.

We are always open to ideas, suggestions, help, advice, or even a story. Lets share. Lets discuss. Lets build better books.

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